Ege University executes all R&D activities and industrial relations over the Science and Technology Application and Research Center (EBİLTEM) which has a completely original structure for Türkiye. EBİLTEM was established as the first University-Industry Cooperation Center of Türkiye in 1994. The Center, with academic and professional staff all focusing on research, was established with an aim to strengthen R&D activities of the University and to encourage University-Industry Cooperation:


-to ensure cooperation and coordination of the University with organizations which provide national and international resources and make requests for research

-to announce qualifications, activities and calendars of organizations which provide national and international support

-to conduct strategic studies and to determine priority areas of the regional industry in terms of R&D activities

-to support interdisciplinary projects for the needs and demands of the region

-to support outsourced projects of researchers from Ege University.


Ege University was selected as one of the first 10 Universities among Turkish Universities within the scope of the TÜBİTAK 1513 Technology Transfer Offices Support Program in 2013 and it was granted with the honour to be supported for 10 years. EBİLTEM continues Technology Transfer Office activities with gradual improvement as of 2013 with an aim to efficiently execute services to put information and technology developed at our university into practice and to commercialize, to create cooperation between our university and industrial organizations as well as to facilitate development of information and technology required by the local industry at our university.


EBİLTEM-TTO has been operating as a “single stop centre” with its university-industry interface institution identity in areas which might be essential for the sector and academicians such as innovation, R&D, international technology transfer, intellectual and industrial property rights, technology licensing, national and international funds.



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Office Name : TTO EBİLTEM
Web Site :

Location : Bornova, İzmir
Foundation Year : 1994