Eco-Friendly Business Environment


While climate change constitutes one of the most important risks threatening our world, İzmir Development Agency works on the basis of green and blue growth approaches for the sustainable development of İzmir.

While these efforts make İzmir’s investment environment eco-friendly,
İzmir prioritizes attracting foreign investments that will contribute to its sustainable development.

In this context, clean energy, clean technologies, software and IT services constitute the priority sectors of İzmir, while İzmir positions itself as “City of Technology, Powered by Clean Energy”.


Sustainability is of vital importance for İzmir, where the effects of global climate change are clearly observed. For this reason, İzmir Development Agency supports strategies to prevent the negative effects of climate change on water resources, natural riches and agricultural production in the region, by promoting the use of renewable energy and developing applications that will increase resource efficiency in production.


One of the most important projects executed to make İzmir’s investment environment eco-friendly is the BEST For Energy (Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy) Project. The project is aimed at developing a competitive cluster in the Clean Energy and Clean Technology Industry in İzmir.

The BEST For Energy project is governed by İzmir Development Agency in partnership with the Energy Industrialists and Businessmen Association (ENSIA). The project is carried out within the scope of the Competitive Industries Program, financed within the framework of financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye and conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.


Within the framework of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, İzmir Development Agency focuses on protecting our seas, our blue resources, for today and for future generations, and benefiting from the seas in a way that will strengthen economic and social development by supporting aquatic life.