It was established in 1996 as Aegean Clothing Industrialists’ Land Building Cooperative in Izmir, Buca District, Tınaztepe, with the contributions of our region’s Aegean Clothing Industrialists’ Association and Buca Municipality. Our current borders, which were determined as industrial areas in the zoning plans by the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, were purchased by our Region to the Metropolitan Municipality by paying the prices of the lands, and the parcels were allocated to the members with the arrangements made in the zoning plans.


Our region on 08.02.2002; With the participation of 80% of the Aegean Clothing Manufacturers Association, 10% of the Special Provincial Administration and 5% of the Buca Municipality, it gained its legal personality with the approval of the Governor’s Office and the approval of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, and gained the identity of Buca Ege Clothing Organized Industrial Zone with the registration number of 198.


Our Region, which includes ready-to-wear garment products and sub-sectors serving this sector, broke new ground by being a Ready-made Clothing Specialized Organized Industrial Zone in Türkiye. Our application to the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in order to remove administrative barriers so that different sector groups can invest in our Region other than the ready-made clothing sector, was welcomed and approved as a Mixed OIZ in 2016.


Members who want to invest, have the opportunity to build up to 5 floors, being close to the Buca district center, 2 km from Aydın İzmir highway, 10 km from the airport and İzmir port, increasing the logistics capabilities of the companies, and with the opening of TOKİ houses with 1000 flats, which are right next to it, to the workforce. This allowed easy access, paving the way for investments.



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Name : Buca Ege Organized Industrial Zone
Web Site : http://www.begos.org.tr/
Main Sectors : Textile
Size (m2) : 576,700
Number of Companies : 132
Total Employment : 6,580
Number of Parcels : 140
Number of Available Parcels : 8