Yaşar University

Yaşar University was established in 2001 in İzmir by the Selçuk Yaşar Sports and Education Foundation with the mission of producing education, research, and service that adopts the culture of science, art, and design and contributes to the development of the society locally and globally.


Yaşar University aims to raise individuals equipped with academic and professional knowledge, social responsibility awareness, and artistic sensitivity in a way that will create the “difference” that students need. There is a school of foreign languages. Educational activities continue with 10 doctorate programs, 23 graduate programs, 32 undergraduate departments, and 13 associate degree programs at the university.


Yaşar University has a computer, cad-cam, ergonomics laboratories, language laboratory, film, radio and photography studios, conference rooms, dance and music studio, pocket cinema, courtroom, strategy games room, fitness and sports halls, painting, graphics. There are many places offered for use according to the interests of the students in a wide campus area with ceramics and ceramic workshops and an open-air amphitheater. In addition, Yaşar University Student Dormitory consists of 2 blocks with 8 floors each and serves approximately 400 students.


Aiming to keep the pulse of both İzmir and Türkiye with the departments it opened for the needs of the sector, Yaşar University offers courses under the name of “Corporate Core Courses” to its students studying in all departments. Yaşar University tries to make its students and graduates different from their peers and to reflect their corporate identity values ​​in their curriculum with courses such as “Design Culture”, “Project Management”, “Research Methodology”, “Human Sciences”, “Ethics” and “Aesthetics”.


Having been accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) in 2011, Yaşar University became the first institution to receive CEA accreditation in the field of foreign language. In addition, with the second foreign language education application, students; can learn German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Greek languages ​​by international standards.


Yaşar University, which has cooperation and exchange agreements in many fields with more than 600 universities from 65 different countries, was awarded the “Erasmus Success Story” award twice in the past ten years, by the European Commission. Currently, 258 students from more than 58 different countries are studying at Yaşar University.



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University Name : Yaşar University
Web Site :  https://www.yasar.edu.tr/en/

Location : Bornova, İzmir
Foundation Year : 2001