
Carmeuse started as a small family business in Belgium. Today it is a global performance materials and services company with core competencies in mining, equipment and engineering solutions. We affect daily life with its mineral-based products and integrated services.


Carmeuse is one of the main producers of lime with a high calcium and dolomite content, chemical grade limestone and crushed limestone aggregates, products which play an essential role in various sectors.


Thanks to Carmeuse Group, a world giant in lime production, KİMTAŞ has consolidated its leadership in the lime industry in Türkiye. Kimtaş produces high quality lime and its derivatives. It has the largest lime production capacity in Türkiye with its 6 factories in Bergama (İzmir), Torbalı (İzmir), Soma (Manisa), Muğla, Pınarhisar (Kırklareli) and Bartın.



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Parent Company Name : Carmeuse
Web Site :

Location : Torbalı, İzmir

Origin Country : Belgium
Year : 2007
Sector : Chemicals
Clusters : Chemicals