SHURA Energy Transition Center’s “Techno-economic Study of Türkiye’s Production and Export Potential For Green Hydrogen” report is released. According to the report prepared with Bilkent Energy Policy Research Center, from an investor’s perspective shows that İzmir offers the best business conditions under which to construct the first hydrogen production plants in Türkiye.
Many country-level as well as global net-zero pathways to 2050, emphasize the use of green hydrogen as a cross-cutting solution to decarbonize the energy system. In order to plan the role of hydrogen in the transformation of Türkiye’s energy system, it is important to understand the potential and the costs of the hydrogen supply in view of the available renewable energy supply and other resource potentials.
The results of SHURA’s report help us to understand the potentials of green hydrogen production considering renewable energy potential, its use in the domestic market, and its export opportunities within the distributed and centralized geographical parameters by 2050.
According to the domestic suitability index of the SHURA’s report, from an investor’s perspective shows that İzmir offers the best business conditions under which to construct the first hydrogen production plants in Türkiye when considering its renewable energy potentials (especially wind), water availability (given that desalination might be an alternative in the future since İzmir is a coastal area) and its existing hydrogen demand.
SHURA Energy Transition Center, founded by the European Climate Foundation (ECF), Agora Energiewende and Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) at Sabancı University, contributes to decarbonisation of the energy sector via an innovative energy transition platform. It caters to the need for a sustainable and broadly recognized platform for discussions on technological, economic, and policy aspects of Turkey’s energy sector. SHURA supports the debate on the transition to a low-carbon energy system through energy efficiency and renewable energy by using fact-based analysis and the best available data. Taking into account all relevant perspectives by a multitude of stakeholders, it contributes to an enhanced understanding of the economic potential, technical feasibility, and the relevant policy tools for this transition.