Port Management and Shipping Industry and Trade Inc. It was established in 1981. Ege Celik provides services in the fields of unloading, loading and storage of dry cargo and general cargo cargoes, as well as importing raw materials and exporting products.


Port Management and Transportation Industry and Trade Inc., a subsidiary of Ege Çelik, serves all the loading, unloading and warehouse needs of the region with an annual capacity of 7 million tons in Nemrut Bay.


Its annual capacity is 7 million tons and it serves approximately 600 ships up to 70,000 tons DWT per year.



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Name : Ege Çelik
Web Site :
Cargo Type : Container, General Cargo, Bulk
Distance to City Center : 60 km
Distance to Nearest Town : Aliağa, 9 Km
Highway Connection : Yes
Railway Connection : Yes