
In 2012 Solina started thanks to a small community of 550 people with a strong heritage of the past in meat, spices, culinary and a strong entrepreneurial spirit made by chefs, butchers, nutritionists. For several decades our teams have drawn upon a fusion of taste, texture and nutrition to deliver sensory food experiences to consumers. Our business model is founded on internal and external growth which implies being able to continuously welcome and integrate new comers in our diverse multicultural community of 1700 employees.


Solina Group, the leader of the spice mixes and functional mixes sector for processed meat products with its 14 factories located in France and established in various countries, has moved its production to Türkiye with its 15th factory established in İzmir Kemalpaşa.



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Parent Company Name : Solina Group
Web Site :

Location : Kemalpaşa, İzmir
Origin Country : Belgium
Year : 2017
Sector : Agrifood
Clusters : Agrifood