DOKUZ EYLÜL University

Dokuz Eylül University (DEU) has a long and proud history of being a hub of research and education in Türkiye, particularly in the Aegean Region since its foundation in 1982. It is one of the largest universities in Türkiye with 70.081 students from all over Türkiye and 1.366 foreign students from 111 countries study. Through its distinguished position in the Turkish Higher Education area, Dokuz Eylül University intends to foster its global presence in education and research and to become a key player in the global knowledge network.


Dokuz Eylül University was selected as one of the 20 pilot universities by the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) in 2018 for implementing the internationalisation strategy and thus it has become one of the pioneer universities in Türkiye take the leading role in the process of internationalisation of Turkish Higher Education.


DEU benefits largely from its geographical position as being located in the city of İzmir and being at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. İzmir is called the pearl of the Aegean with its mild Mediterranean climate, multi-cultural social life and strong economy. İzmir is a city of university students, artists, scientists and business people.


DEU has 17 faculties involving the fields maritime, education, literature, science, fine arts, nursing, law, economics and administrative sciences, theology, business, architecture, engineering, medicine, veterinary, dentistry, tourism, sports sciences, 10 graduate schools and institutes, 1 conservatory, 3 schools, 6 vocational schools and 50 research and application centres. Dokuz Eylül University offers a lively scientific milieu with a total number of 3.186 academic staff including 728 Professors, 357 Associate Professors, 493 Dr Faculty Members.


At DEU, you have the opportunity to become a student at one of the 447 postgraduate programmes, 126 BA level programmes, 62 associate degree programmes. DEU library offers a great opportunity for research for our students and researchers with 361.118 print books, 459.073 e-books, 99.617 e-journals.


Dokuz Eylül University has been granted European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Label and Diploma Supplement (DS) Label by the European Commission. These ECTS Label and Diploma Supplement Label are granted to Dokuz Eylül University upon its excellence in the application of procedures regarding the recognition of academic qualifications for student mobility.


Dokuz Eylül University actively participates in exchange programmes with many European countries. DEU which has participated in the Erasmus Mobility Program since the 2003 – 2004 academic year, has 355 inter-institutional agreements. Again, 2,221 students of Dokuz Eylül University were sent abroad for training and 1,028 students came to the university from abroad since the start of the Erasmus programme.


Dokuz Eylül University also takes part in Mevlana Exchange Programme which involves exchange opportunities with higher education institutions all over the world without geographical discrimination. Students may study abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) terms and academic staff may lecture abroad from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum). Accordingly, students and academic staff from any country may benefit from this programme being hosted by Turkish higher education institutions to study or lecture.


DEU also has bilateral academic collaborations with 76 education and research centres worldwide.


As part of its internationalisation strategy, the course/subject titles of the all-degree programmes are easily available at the website of Dokuz Eylül University. Dokuz Eylül University publishes the course catalogue in the national language and English. All interested parties can easily access the catalogue which provides detailed, user-friendly and up-to-date information on the institution’s learning environment involving the qualifications offered, the learning, teaching and assessment procedures, the level of programmes. The course catalogue also involves information on the programme outcomes and the contact information for the programme and courses.



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University Name : Dokuz Eylül University
Web Site :

Location : Buca, İzmir
FoundationYear : 1982