Why Izmir?

Strong Economy

Izmir is taking share of 4.1% within total imports amd 6.1% within total exports in Turkey, thanks to having more than 4500 export compaines and $17.1 billion foreing trade volume.

Strategic Location

With is strategic location in the middle of Europe and Asia, İzmir Provides easy access to a market of a population of 1.5 billion, $25 trilion GDP and $8 trillion trade.

Developed Investment Infrastructure

Hosting 13 Organized Indusstrial Zones, 4 Technology Development Zones and 2 Free Zones, İzmir offer an ideal investment environment and infrastructure to investors.

Young and Dynamic Workforce

With a polulation of over 4 million, 42% of witch is under 30, and young spirit, İzmir is one of the most productive cities in Turkey

High Quality of Life

İzmir is one of the most modern and peacefull cities in Turkey with a vibrant social life enlivened by cultural events, tourism opprtunities and local cuisine.

Wide Innovation and R&D Ecosystem

Thanks to the educational opportunities and the importance placed on science and technology, İzmir is one of the most favorable locations in the Mediterranean Regions to conduct research and development studies.

Intense FDI Interest

Best location choice for foreign direct investments with a total number of 2.235 companies and annual 140 new investments export companies.

Eco-Friendly Bussiness Environment

Green Growth and Blue Growth are main focus areas defined by Izmir Development Agency, which creates an eco-friendly vision to the business side in İzmir.